“Thou shalt also decree a thing, and it shall be established unto thee…” (Job 22:28)
To decree a thing means to authoritatively order or instruct with the force of law. Revelation 1:6 shows us that God has made us kings and priests. And one of the
characteristics peculiar to Kings is the power to decree.
As God’s king-priests, we have been put into office to decree anything we want to see established in our lives and in the lives of men, for “where the word of a king
is, there is power…” (Ecclesiastes 8:4).
The Church wields so much power that many Christians are yet to discover. As kings, we’ve been called into the life of the supernatural; we have more than enough power
to do whatever we want to do. All we need is to have enough knowledge of who we are and what we have in God. 1 Peter 2:9 says, “but ye are a chosen generation, a royal
priesthood, an holy nation, a peculiar people…”
It’s your responsibility to bring to pass whatever you want to see happen in your life; to decree the things you want and have them established unto you. You’ve been
vested with enough power and authority to influence the world!